French for teens

Afterschool classes for teens

The Alliance Française Christchurch has a range of courses dedicated to 13-18 year-old students who study French at school and wish to BOOST their learning in order to achieve BETTER RESULTS.

What makes the high school students’ courses at Alliance a real advantage?

  • They are COMPLEMENTARY to the school curriculum: new activities and documents will be used to practice and build on the skills and themes learnt at school.
  • Students will benefit from COMPLETE IMMERSION in the francophone and francophile environment at the Alliance Française.
  • They use AUTHENTIC CLASS MATERIAL, from French TV, magazines, and movies, carefully chosen and adapted by our educational team.
  • They are FUN! Less formal exercises and homework, more interaction and real life situations.

Note: All our classes are now available online via Zoom and onsite, please contact us for more info:

Click here to know more about our private tuitions Click here to know more about our private tuitions

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Teenagers A1/A2

Teens Afterschool Class Level A1-A2

Collective Classes Teenagers

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